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Takakura, Minoru

School Health and Epidemiology.
School of Health Sciences.
Faculty of Medicine.
University of the Ryukyus.
Phone: +81-98-895-1255.
Office: Health Sciences Building 611

What's New! (in Japanese)

Graduate School of Health Sciences (Doctoral and Master's Programs) of the University of the Ryukyus, Japan, has been opened in April, 2007. The Graduate School of Health Sciences consists of two sections: divisions of the Human Health Promotion, and Island and Global Health Science for human health and environmental problems. My department is Health Promotion & Development. We accept students from Asian countries and Pacific Island countries as well as from all over the world.

Research activity


  • Epidemiology
  • School Health
  • Health Education
  • Health and Sports Sciences

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University of Ryukyus, School of Health Sciences

Graduate School of Health Sciences ( Doctoral and Master's Programs ) of University of the Ryukyus, Japan,opened in April,2007. The Graduate School of Health Sciences aims to produce hightly specialized health professionals and researchers who are able to challenge tohealth promotion of new...

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