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The Social Responsibility of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises – Integration of CSR into SME Business Practice

Organized by:
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
in cooperation with
the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency
Thursday 26 October 2006, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark



Aim of the conference

While CSR is becoming a mainstream issue for many organisations, most of the research to date addresses CSR in large businesses and considerably less attention has been directed at the CSR activities within small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have long been considered to engage actively in CSR activities without a clear strategy surrounding these activities. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for academics, practitioners and policy-makers to come together in order to:

• Identify business case opportunities of CSR activities in SMEs
• Identify best practices of strategic engagement in CSR activities among SMEs
• Draw from the experiences of an ongoing CSR training programme among Danish SMEs
• Discuss research on strategic CSR in SMEs
• Build on the emerging EABIS programme on SMEs and the related European Knowledge Network on CSR & SMEs

Particular issues that will be addressed within this broad agenda include CSR as a driver for innovation, the integration of CSR within business functions, and the competitiveness of the SME sector if it were to fully adopt CSR practices.

Call for papers

Conference participants wishing to contribute a paper to the conference are invited to send an outline of up to 500 words in electronic format in English to Research Director Jonas Eder-Hansen, Center for Corporate Values and Responsibility, Copenhagen Business School, [email protected]. These can be in the form of discussion papers, think-pieces, case studies or more academically oriented contributions. The various deadlines are as follows:

Submission of outlines 15 September 2006
Acceptance of outlines by 25 September 2006
Submission of full papers 15 October 2006*

We suggest that full papers are between 6,000 and 8,000 words and follow the Harvard referencing system. A number of high quality papers will be considered for further joint international publication.

*Full papers are preferred but due to the limited time frame we are willing to consider outlines as basis for conference presentations.


University of Aarhus, School of Economics and Management

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