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Vacancies & job openings

This section contains announcements of vacancies and job openings for academic positions from all over the world.

New job opportunities

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Expired job opportunities

Ven, 2011-09-30

Assistant Professor of Sociology - Racial and Ethnic Relations at the University of California San Diego

Deadline: 30 September 2011

University of California - San Diego, Sociology...

Ven, 2011-09-30

Professor Sociology - Comparative Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen

The Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology, at the University of Duisburg-Essen,...

Ven, 2011-09-16

Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a tempo determinato) at Ca Foscari University of Venice - Economic implications of an ageing population

Abstract: Population ageing is one the most important challenges in modern societies: the aim of...

Ven, 2011-09-30

Postdoc in Microeconomics - University of Hamburg

The chair of Microeconomic Theory and Experiments (Prof. Dr. Anke Gerber) has an open position...

Mar, 2012-01-31

Faculty Positions in Accounting, Finance, Management, Production and Marketing - University Carlos III of Madrid

The Department of Business Administration offers tenure track and non-tenure track positions in...

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