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Thank you,
Fabio Sabatini

Editor, Social Capital Gateway
Researcher in Economics
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Economics and Law
Email: [email protected]
Profile: www.socialcapitalgateway.org/editor

About us

Fabio Sabatini, Sapienza University of Rome

I am Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law, where I also serve as Director of the European Ph.D. in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies. I currently teach Political Economy (in Italian), Economics and Policy of Networks...

Times Higher Education ranking of top universities in Asia

The ranking of the top 25 Universities in Asia in 2011 according to the Times Higher Education. The Times Higher Education ranking of the top universities across the globe employ13 separate performance indicators designed to capture the full range of university activities, from teaching to...

The website

Social Capital Gateway (SCG) is a web site publishing materials for the study of social capital and related topics in a multidisciplinary perspective. Social capital is intended here in its broadest sense, as un umbrella term encompassing all the aspects of social life that facilitate cooperation...


Euricse (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises) is a research centre designed to promote knowledge development and innovation for the field of cooperatives, social enterprises, commons and nonprofit organizations. Specifically, Euricse focuses on all forms of private...


This page reports news and events on conferences, call for papers, workshops, and seminars on social capital, development and related topics.

Upcoming events

Past events


This page reports news on call for papers for conferences, workshops, special issues of academic journals and collective volumes on social capital and related topics. The section archives both active and expired calls.  

Active calls

This page reports information I acquire on new call for papers for conferences, workshops, special issues of academic journals and collective volumes on social capital and related topics. As all the other sections of this web site, this page is an incidental outcome of my personal research activity...

Prossimi eventi

Nessun evento presente.