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Association for Cultural Economics International

ACEI is a scientific society of around 150 members – including academic scholars, government officials, foundation officials, managers of arts and cultural organizations and artists – who share an interest in furthering understanding of the economic aspects of the arts and culture in...

Association for Institutional Thought

Tenets of Institutionalism Inquiry is addressed to the institutional process of providing the material means of life and to significant problems of institutional malfunction. Economics is a policy science; economic inquiry is significant only to the extent that it is relevant to problem...

Association for Social Economics

The Association for Social Economics was established in December 1941 in New York City, NY. The association was formed to advance scholarly research and writing about the great questions of economics, human dignity, ethics, and philosophy. Its members seek to explore the ethical...

Associazione Italiana per la promozione della Cultura della Cooperazione e del Non Profit (AICCON)

A.I.C.CO.N. è un'Associazione costituitasi presso la Facoltà di Economia di Forlì, Corso Universitario in Economia delle Imprese Cooperative e delle Organizzazioni Non Profit, con lo scopo di promuovere, sostenere organizzare iniziative volte alla promozione della cultura...

Athabasca University, Master of Arts - Integrated Studies

Athabasca University's Master of Arts - Integrated Studies (MA-IS) degree offers students a unique opportunity to engage in a program of study that spans the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The degree is comprehensive in scope but specific in focus, requiring students to choose at least...

Australian National University, Research School of Economics

The Research School of Economics was created in 2010 by merging the former School of Economics, the Economics Program in the Research School of Social Sciences and the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis. Uniting these institutes has created an outstanding group of scholars with expertise...

BAFFI Center on International Markets, Money and Regulation at Bocconi University

The Center, established by Mario Monti in 1984, is dedicated to the memory of Paolo Baffi's high academic, professional and moral standards. He studied at Bocconi and was Governor of the Bank of Italy from 1975 to 1979. Starting from January 2008 the BAFFI Center - jointly promoted by Ettore...

Banca d'Italia

La Banca d’Italia è la banca centrale della Repubblica italiana ed è parte del Sistema europeo di banche centrali (SEBC) e dell'Eurosistema. E’ un istituto di diritto pubblico. Persegue finalità d’interesse generale nel settore monetario e finanziario:...

Bank of Italy

The Bank of Italy is the central bank of the Republic of Italy and part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Eurosystem. It is a public-law institution and pursues aims of general interest in monetary and financial matters: price stability, the primary objective of the...

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