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Research Institute of Industrial Economics

The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) is a private and independent foundation devoted to pursuing highly relevant research for trade and industry. In today’s world of intense, knowledge-driven competition, research is duly increasing in specialization, yet so is the need for a broad societal perspective. The researchers at IFN are united in their belief that economic methods offer a powerful tool for understanding society.

IFN is one of Sweden’s leading research environments within the field of economics. We undertake research relevant to policy without sacrificing scientific quality, which is the only way to win the confidence of researchers, experts, and decision-makers.

We believe that IFN’s status as a private institute is one of its strengths. Public sector grants and priorities have always played a large role in deciding economic research. In contrast, IFN has ensured the existence of industry-specific economic research in Sweden throughout the decades. We were, for example, among the first institutes to examine the connection between entrepreneurship and economic growth.

We have a long tradition of conducting high-quality research with integrity. Our research topics evolve with time, and we strive to address the most pressing issues as early as possible. In so doing, we remain an important figure in the research world as well as in the public debate.

Magnus Henrekson, Professor and President

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