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Tilburg University Top 100 of Economics Schools Research Ranking

At present, there is a worldwide ranking for Business schools, carried out by the University of Texas, Dallas (The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings), and a Finance ranking carried out by Arizona State University. There is no current worldwide ranking for economics schools comparable to that of the UT Dallas. Recognizing this, the CentER for Research in Economics and Business at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, decided to create a worldwide ranking for economics institutes.

Our database covers publications in 68 leading economics journals (see Journals for the list), since 2004. We provide a standard Top 100 of economics schools, based on a subset of journals in the database, over a 5-year period. In the "sandbox" it is possible to create individual rankings using various combinations of all of the journals in the database, and to search the database by continent, by country, or per (individual) year.

If you click on a university, you will see a list of all publications attributed to that university, in the specified time period.

We have worked hard to ensure the accuracy of the information, but as with any project of this type, some errors may exist. If you believe there is an error in the information provided, please send specific information to the administrator.



Top 25 Economics Schools Research Ranking

1. Harvard University 605(+54)

2. University of Chicago 408(+23)

3. New York University 353(+6)

4. University of California, Berkeley 352(+20)

5. Columbia University 308(+40)

6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 306(+10)

7. Stanford University 303(+13)

8. Northwestern University 299(+19)

9. University of Pennsylvania 283(0)

10. London School of Economics and Political Science 276(-4)  

11. Yale University 276(+26)

12. Princeton University 227(+2)

13. University of California, Los Angeles 225(+15)

14. University of Michigan 221(+18)

15. Duke University 210(+7)

16. University of Maryland 184(-9)

17. Cornell University 182(-2)

18. University of Oxford 166(+27)

19. University of Toronto 163(+7)

20. University of Illinois 157(+3)

21. University of California, San Diego 152(+1)

22. University of Wisconsin 140(-13)

23. Tilburg University 135(+3)  

24. University of Toulouse / Toulouse School of Economics 135(-16)

25. University College London 132(+17)


Tilburg University, CentER for Research in Economics and Business

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